CDR has created thousands of products, here are a few of our latest:


For the Glory
Feature Film

Based on a true story of faith, love and soccer, For the Glory follows Kurt Kuykendall’s rise from tragedy to greatness. When his lifelong dream to play Olympic basketball falls apart, Kurt is lost and hopeless.
But buoyed by his friends and a new faith in God, Kurt gives soccer a try and finds his true calling.


Where the Grass is Greener

Biblical Stewardship vs. Climate Alarmism is a blockbuster one-hour documentary that harnesses the expertise of over 30 world-class scholars in climate science; developmental, environmental, and energy economics; and theology, ethics, and public policy to address global warming and climate policy from a Biblical worldview perspective to protect the world’s poor from harmful climate and energy policies.

Resisting the Green Dragon

This explosive series, conducted by some of the top Christian leaders and scholars in America, contains twelve half-hour sessions along with a special 30-minute bonus documentary, and a discussion guide with questions and suggested practical applications suitable for churches, Sunday schools, families, classrooms, home schools, and small groups.

Climate Hustle

This eye-opening documentary thoroughly investigates the hard facts regarding man-made Climate Change–– a hot-topic issue that may be less clear than the media and government want us to realize. Using media coverage and interviews with the world’s leading scientists and politicians, Marc Morano, narrator, guides the audience through a film that exposes the multi-billion dollar scam and distinguishes between politics and reality, fact and speculation.

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